Newsletter - September

The newsletter Ametys, CMS Java Open Source

September 3, 2023, N°1


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean pharetra ultrices eleifend. Suspendisse non odio justo, at elementum lorem. Etiam eu tellus et leo varius mollis. In diam sem, placerat in molestie id, laoreet id ante. Sed pretium tempus purus ut euismod. Aliquam in libero nulla, ut viverra tellus.

Create online surveys

The Survey plug-in allows you to create online surveys for yours visitors with free text, single ou multiple choices and matrix questions.
The survey data are graphically displayed on a dedicated tool and can be exported to Excel format.

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Insert an existing content present on current site or on others sites

This service allows you to insert an existing content (present on current site or on others sites managed by the CMS application)
The inserted content is not editable on service page. This is a kind of content sharing "light" because the content is only editable on original page...

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LDAP or SQL connections and queries

This extension allows the webmaster to defines connections to SQL databases or LDAP directories, and to define associated requests to get information from those connections, so the contributor can use them in his rich content...

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Aliquam sed ante libero. Phasellus aliquet tincidunt mauris. Praesent luctus lobortis elit, eget eleifend lacus dapibus pellentesque.


Donec interdum tortor ac massa commodo nec cursus metus luctus. Integer fermentum, nibh nec molestie sodales, dui justo dictum orci, pretium varius arcu velit sed eros