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Contact form Example

Please complete the following form.

Tutorial : Create and manage forms


This extension allows you to create forms for yours visitors. The forms are very simply to create in a rich text and can be submitted to existing external applications or handled directly in the cms application.



Create a form

When editing a content, creating a form is done by the following button : 

You can choose which kind of form you want to create : 

  • a CMS form is managed by the CMS ;
  • a form to an external website sends data to this website. 
    A such form is not managed by CMS application


CMS Form

In editing tab, the form is representing like above.

In the contextual tab "CMS Form" of the toolbar, 
you can add fields and format your  form.

Manage the CMS form

Choose the layout : 

  • left labels : a line per field; label at left, field at right
  • top labels : label above the field
  • custom : you can move the elements as you wish


Manage fields into a CMS form

This is the fields you can insert into a form; their properties are detailed below.

Simple Text 


Text area 

Drop down box 

Check box 


Submit button 

Reset button 

External Form

In editing tab, the external form is representing like that :


In the toolbar, you can add fields and manage the form :