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Questions list:

  1. What is Ametys CMS ?
  2. Is it possible to have a demonstration of Ametys ?
  3. What are the strengths of Ametys?
  4. Who is the solution targeted for?
  1. 1 - What is Ametys CMS ?

    Ametys is a java open source web content management system (WCMS) software which combinescontent richness with a user- friendly interface.

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  2. 2 - Is it possible to have a demonstration of Ametys ?

    Contact us for an online demonstration.

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  3. 3 - What are the strengths of Ametys?

    Ametys is used by more than 30.000 websites. Key strengths :

    • Easy to use
    • Multi-site platform
    • Web 2.0 features (customizable widgets, connection to social networks...)
    • WAI standards
    • Template/Website factory

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  4. 4 - Who is the solution targeted for?

    Ametys is designed for large corporations and government enterprise (government agencies and universities). The CMS answers advanced web publishing issues.

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